
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Piper the Black Kitten is Named after Being Rescued from Pipe

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This story is a purrfect example of a community coming together to save a trapped kitten.

A kitten was heard for two days straight crying underground a Walgreen's pharmacy story in Miami.
Word spread virally on Facebook and local volunteers from  pet shelters, local businesses, and the fire department, all collaborated to attempt to rescue the kitten which was clearly stuck inside a pipe.

In watching the news report, little did we know it was a black kitten!Thankfully the kitten did not have fluid in the lungs or major injuries.  

Another one saved thanks to many good Samaritans. It can be done!


  1. all de best two ewe wee small dood !!! we iz mega happee ya iz rescued, safe N doin sew manee blessings oh st francis comin yur way ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. Always wonderful to read and hear of kindness and compassion towards kitties and all animals!! Love it!! So happy he is safe
