Tabby stray cat with bad eye improving. Such a sweet face! |
Hello cat lovers,
Here is our latest rescue. His name is simply Tabby. Why? Well because he is part of outdoor colony that was fed nightly by resident volunteers in downtown Miami. They noticed his bad eye and took him in to vet for treatment.
Tabby's left eye looks murky |
Tabby chillin' in pet carrier on way to vet.
This is no ordinary cat! |
This sugar bear has a bad case of conjunctivitis and eye inflammation. The good news- with daily drops it is stabilized. Therefore he can not return to the streets.
Vet examining bad eye |
While many outdoor cats have difficulty adjusting to indoors or would experience great stress at visiting a vet, not this Tabby! Amazingly he is mellow through it all. Enjoying the clean soft blanket, the regular food, the soothing voices and lots of affection. Oh does he love affection. The videos and photos are proof.
Tabby ready to take a nap waiting for the vet. Why not? |
So we are on a mission to find him a home. Tabby is middle aged about 5-6 years old. Neutered. Fully vaccinated. He tested positive for FIV, and negative for FeLV. Parasite-free. Tabby is also excellent with other dogs and cats.
Tabby sleeping soundly on bed of foster guardian. |
FIV (Feline Aids) is not a death warrant. Cats with FIV can live with other cats safely. He has some minor dental issues, but no long term health issues. He needs a proper indoor home to monitor his eye issues and keep him healthy.
Still purring after the vet. Amazing! |
This is great pet for adoption. With middle age cats you already know their personality. He's mellow yellow. A "sugar bear" as evident in all the photos and videos. Welcomes sleeping with his guardian. Gets along with everyone and every pet.
A followup visit after one week.
Tabby's eye is looking a lot better. |
To meet Tabby please call or text Sabrina at 1-786-554-0084. (Downtown Miami). Let her know you saw this posting on Riverfront Cats website.
If you are not able to adopt Tabby, but would like to help, please share this information with friends via email or social media or word of mouth. Or donations are welcome to cover the vet bill. He still has another follow-up visit, the third vet visit.
Feel free to make a donation of any amount. Our umbrella organization is Pawsitively Humane.
Vet Bill |
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